- geo() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
Geo-location API methods.
- geoMatch(GeoCodeQuery, IPlace) - Static method in class winterwell.jtwitter.InternalUtils
Does place match the query?
- geoSearch(double, double) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Geo
- geoSearch(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Geo
- geoSearchByIP(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Geo
- get(String, String, Twitter) - Static method in class winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterList
A lazy-loading list viewer.
- get(Number, Twitter) - Static method in class winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterList
A lazy-loading list viewer.
- get(int) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterList
- getAccessLevel() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Account
- getAccessToken() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.OAuthSignpostClient
- getAdditionalInfo() - Method in exception winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterException
- getAPIStatus() - Static method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
How is the Twitter API today?
See https://dev.twitter.com/status
for more information.
- getAPIUsageStats() - Static method in class winterwell.jtwitter.InternalUtils
- getAPIUsageStats() - Static method in class winterwell.jtwitter.RateLimit
- getBest(Map<X, Double>) - Static method in class winterwell.jtwitter.InternalUtils
Best of them, or null if places is empty
- getBlockedIds() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Users
- getBoundingBox() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Place
- getBytesSent() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.guts.ClientHttpRequest
- getCause() - Method in exception winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterException.IO
- getCentroid() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Place
- getClient() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.ecosystem.TwitterCounter
- getConsumer() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.OAuthSignpostClient
- getCountryCode() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Place
- getCountryName() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Place
- getCreatedAt() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Message
- getCreatedAt() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Status
- getCreatedAt() - Method in interface winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter.ITweet
- getCreatedAt() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Account.Search
- getCreatedAt() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterEvent
- getCreatedAt() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.User
- getCursor() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.ListWithCursor
- getDate(int, String, int) - Static method in class winterwell.jtwitter.InternalUtils
Convenience method for making Dates.
- getDescription() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterList
- getDescription() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.User
- getDirectMessage(Number) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
Returns a single direct message to the authenticating user, specified by ID
- getDirectMessages() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
Returns a list of the direct messages to AND from the authenticating user.
- getDisplayText() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Message
- getDisplayText() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Status
- getDisplayText() - Method in interface winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter.ITweet
- getDMImage(Message) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
- getEvents() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.AStream
- getFavorites() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
The most recent 20 favourite tweets.
- getFavorites(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
The most recent 20 favourite tweets for the given user.
- getFavoritesCount() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.User
Number of statuses a user has marked as favorite.
Warning: can be zero if Twitter did not supply the info (e.g.
- getFilePostSize(String, File) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.guts.ClientHttpRequest
- getFollowerIDs() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
- getFollowerIDs(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
- getFollowerIDs() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Users
Returns the IDs of the authenticating user's followers.
- getFollowerIDs(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Users
Returns the IDs of the specified user's followers.
- getFollowerIDs(long) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Users
Returns the IDs of the specified user's followers.
- getFollowers() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
- getFollowers(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
- getFollowers() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Users
- getFollowers(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Users
- getFollowersCount() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.User
- getFollowUsers() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterStream
- getForgotten() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.AStream
- getFriendIDs() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
- getFriendIDs(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
- getFriendIDs() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Users
Returns the IDs of the authenticating user's friends.
- getFriendIDs(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Users
Returns the IDs of the specified user's friends.
- getFriendIDs(long) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Users
Returns the IDs of the specified user's friends.
- getFriends() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
- getFriends(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
- getFriends() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Users
- getFriends(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Users
- getFriends() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.UserStream
- getFriendsCount() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.User
- getFriendsTimeline() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
- getGeoCoder() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Place
- getGeometry() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Place
- getHeader(String) - Method in interface winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter.IHttpClient
Fetch a header from the last http request.
- getHeader(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.URLConnectionHttpClient
- getHomeTimeline() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
Returns the 20 most recent statuses posted in the last 24 hours from the
authenticating user and that user's friends, including retweets.
- getHttpClient() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
Provides access to the
which manages the low-level
authentication, posts and gets.
- getId() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Message
- getId() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Place
Twitter ID for this place.
- getId() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Status
- getId() - Method in interface winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter.ITweet
Twitter IDs are numbers - but they can exceed the range of Java's
signed long.
- getId() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Account.Search
- getId() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterList
- getId() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.User
- getInfochimpTrustRank(User, String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.ecosystem.ThirdParty
- getInfoUrl() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Place
Call this to get a JSON object with a lot of details.
- getKloutID(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.ecosystem.Klout
- getLang() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Status
BCP 47 language identifiers.
- getLang() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.User
User's language (2 letter code)
- getLimit() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.RateLimit
- getLists() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
- getLists(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
- getListsAll(User) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
Returns all lists the authenticating or specified user subscribes to,
including their own.
- getListsContaining(String, boolean) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
- getListsContainingMe() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
- getLocation() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Message
- getLocation() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Status
- getLocation() - Method in interface winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter.ITweet
- getLocation() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.User
- getLongStatus(Status) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.ecosystem.TwitLonger
- getLongStatus(Status) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
- getMaxDate(List<? extends Twitter.ITweet>) - Static method in class winterwell.jtwitter.InternalUtils
- getMaxResults() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
Provides support for fetching many pages.
- getMentions() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Message
- getMentions() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Status
- getMentions() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
Returns the 20 most recent replies/mentions (status updates with
\@username) to the authenticating user.
- getMentions() - Method in interface winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter.ITweet
- getMessages(JSONArray) - Static method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Message
- getMinId(BigInteger, List<? extends Twitter.ITweet>) - Static method in class winterwell.jtwitter.InternalUtils
- getName() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Place
- getName() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterList
- getName() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.User
The display name, e.g.
- getOriginal() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Status
Only set for official new-style retweets and quoted tweets.
- getOutages() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.AStream
- getOwner() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterList
- getPage(String, Map<String, String>, boolean) - Method in interface winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter.IHttpClient
Send an HTTP GET request and return the response body.
- getPage(String, Map<String, String>, boolean) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.URLConnectionHttpClient
- getParent() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Place
- getPlace() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Message
- getPlace() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Status
- getPlace() - Method in interface winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter.ITweet
- getPlace(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Geo
- getPlace(GeoCodeQuery) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Geo
- getPlace() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.User
- getPostFooterSize() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.guts.ClientHttpRequest
- getProfile(User) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.ecosystem.PeerIndex
- getProfileBackgroundColor() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.User
- getProfileBackgroundImageUrl() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.User
- getProfileImageUrl() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.User
- getProfileLinkColor() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.User
- getProfileSidebarBorderColor() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.User
- getProfileSidebarFillColor() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.User
- getProfileTextColor() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.User
- getProtectedUser() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.User
- getProvider() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.OAuthSignpostClient
- getProviderResponseParams() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.OAuthSignpostClient
Provide low level access to the provider -- e.g.
- getRateLimit(Twitter.KRequestType) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
- getRateLimit(Twitter.KRequestType) - Method in interface winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter.IHttpClient
- getRateLimit(Twitter.KRequestType) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.URLConnectionHttpClient
- getRateLimits() - Method in interface winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter.IHttpClient
- getRateLimits() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Account
Call Twitter to fetch rate-limit info.
- getRateLimits() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.URLConnectionHttpClient
- getRateLimitStatus() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
- getRecipient() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Message
- getRecipientId() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Message
- getRelationshipInfo(List<String>) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Users
Bulk-fetch relationship info by screen-name.
- getRelationshipInfoById(List<? extends Number>) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Users
Bulk-fetch relationship info by user-id.
- getRemaining() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.RateLimit
- getReplies() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
- getReset() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.RateLimit
- getResource(String) - Static method in class winterwell.jtwitter.RateLimit
See https://dev.twitter.com/docs/rate-limiting/1.1/limits
- getRetweeters(Status) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
Show users who (new-style) retweeted the given tweet.
- getRetweets(Status) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
- getRetweetsByMe() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
- getRetweetsOfMe() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
- getSavedSearches() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Account
- getScore(Object) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.ecosystem.Klout
- getScoreObject(Object) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.ecosystem.Klout
- getScreenName() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
- getScreenName() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.User
The login name, e.g.
- getScreenNameIfKnown() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
- getSearchLocation() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
- getSelf() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
- getSender() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Message
- getSenderId() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Message
- getSinceId() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
- getSource() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Status
- getSource() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterEvent
The user who initiated the event
- getStats(Number) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.ecosystem.TwitterCounter
- getStatus() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
- getStatus(Number) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
Returns a single status, specified by the id parameter below.
- getStatus(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
- getStatus() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.User
The user's current status - *if* returned by Twitter.
- getStatuses(String) - Static method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Status
Convert from a json array of objects into a list of tweets.
- getStatuses(JSONArray) - Static method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Status
- getStatuses() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterList
Returns a list of statuses from this list.
- getStatusesCount() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.User
- getSubscriberCount() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterList
- getSubscribers() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterList
- getSystemEvents() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.AStream
- getTarget() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterEvent
The user who was affected, or who owns the affected object.
- getTargetObject() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterEvent
The affected object, if not a user.
- getText() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Message
- getText() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Status
The actual status text.
- getText() - Method in interface winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter.ITweet
The actual status text.
- getText() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Account.Search
- getTimezone() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.User
String version of the timezone
- getTimezoneOffSet() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.User
Number of seconds between a user's registered time zone and Greenwich
Mean Time (GMT) - aka Coordinated Universal Time or UTC.
- getTrackKeywords() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterStream
- getTrendRegions() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Geo
- getTrends() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
- getTrends(Number) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
- getTweetEntities(Twitter.KEntityType) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Message
- getTweetEntities(Twitter.KEntityType) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Status
- getTweetEntities(Twitter.KEntityType) - Method in interface winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter.ITweet
Twitter wrap urls with their own url-shortener (as a defence against
malicious tweets).
- getTweets() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.AStream
- getType() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Place
- getType() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterEvent
- getUID() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Place
- getUntilDate() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
- getUntilId() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
- getUrl() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Status
- getUrlCount(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Analytics
- getUrlInfo(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.ecosystem.Topsy
- getUser() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Message
- getUser() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Status
- getUser(String, List<User>) - Static method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
Convenience method: Finds a user with the given screen-name from the
- getUser(long) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
- getUser(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
- getUser() - Method in interface winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter.ITweet
The User who made the tweet
- getUser(long) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Users
Synonym for #show(long)
- getUser(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Users
- getUserTimeline() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
Returns the most recent statuses from the authenticating user.
- getUserTimeline(Long) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
- getUserTimeline(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
Returns the most recent statuses from the given user.
- getUserTimelineWithRetweets(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
- getWebhooks() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
Return a list of registered Webhooks for the application
- getWebsite() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.User
- id - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.Message
- id - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.Status
Warning: use equals() not == to compare these!
- id - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.User
- id - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.Webhooks.Webhook
- inReplyToMessageId - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.Message
- inReplyToStatusId - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.Status
Often null (even when this Status is a reply).
- InternalUtils - Class in winterwell.jtwitter
Utility methods used in Twitter.
- InternalUtils() - Constructor for class winterwell.jtwitter.InternalUtils
- INVALID_HASHTAG_MATCH_END - Static variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.Regex
- INVALID_MENTION_MATCH_END - Static variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.Regex
- INVALID_URL_WITHOUT_PROTOCOL_MATCH_BEGIN - Static variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.Regex
- IO(IOException) - Constructor for exception winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterException.IO
- is(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterEvent
Convenience method for filtering events.
- isAlive() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.AStream
- isBlocked(Long) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Users
- isBlocked(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Users
- isConnected() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.AStream
Many users will want to use
instead, which takes into
account auto-reconnect behaviour.
- isDummyObject() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.User
- isEnd() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.ListWithCursor
- isFavorite() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Status
true if this has been marked as a favourite by the authenticating user
- isFollowedByYou() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.User
Are you following this person?
- isFollower(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
- isFollower(String, String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
- isFollower(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Users
Is the authenticating user followed by userB?
- isFollower(String, String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Users
- isFollowing(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
- isFollowing(User) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
- isFollowing(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Users
Does the authenticating user follow userB?
- isFollowing(User) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Users
- isFollowingYou() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.User
Is this person following you?
- isNotifications() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.User
- isOutOfDate() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.RateLimit
- isPrivate() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterList
- isProfileBackgroundTile() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.User
- isProtectedUser() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.User
true if this user keeps their updates private
- isQuotedStatus() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Status
- isRateLimited(Twitter.KRequestType, int) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
- isRateLimited(String, boolean) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
Convenience for using getHttpClient().getRateLimits()
- isRetryOnError() - Method in interface winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter.IHttpClient
If true, will wait 1/2 second and make a 2nd request when presented with
a server error (E50X).
- isRetryOnError() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.URLConnectionHttpClient
- isRetweet() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Status
- isSensitive() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Status
A self-applied label for sensitive content (eg.
- isTwitlongerSetup() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
- isValidLogin() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
Are the login details used for authentication valid?
- isVerified() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.User
- Parsing(String, JSONException) - Constructor for exception winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterException.Parsing
- Parsing(String, ParseException) - Constructor for exception winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterException.Parsing
- pComment - Static variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.InternalUtils
Matches an xml comment - including some bad versions
- pDocType - Static variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.InternalUtils
Matches a doctype element.
- PeerIndex - Class in winterwell.jtwitter.ecosystem
Access the PeerIndex ranking system.
- PeerIndex(String) - Constructor for class winterwell.jtwitter.ecosystem.PeerIndex
- peerIndex - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.ecosystem.PeerIndexProfile
0 to 100
- PeerIndexProfile - Class in winterwell.jtwitter.ecosystem
See http://dev.peerindex.com/docs/profile/show
- PHOTO_SIZE_LIMIT - Static variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
Note: "It is possible to upload a 5 MB image, but the Tweet creation requires images to be <= 3 MB"
- Place - Class in winterwell.jtwitter
Support for Twitter's geo location features.
- Place(JSONObject, IGeoCode) - Constructor for class winterwell.jtwitter.Place
- popEvents() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.AStream
- popSystemEvents() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.AStream
System Events
- popTweets() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.AStream
- post() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.guts.ClientHttpRequest
Posts the requests to the server, with all the cookies and parameters that were added
- post(Map) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.guts.ClientHttpRequest
Posts the requests to the server, with all the cookies and parameters that were added before (if any), and with parameters that are passed in the argument
- post(Object...) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.guts.ClientHttpRequest
Posts the requests to the server, with all the cookies and parameters that were added before (if any), and with parameters that are passed in the argument
- post(Map, Map) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.guts.ClientHttpRequest
Posts the requests to the server, with all the cookies and parameters that were added before (if any), and with cookies and parameters that are passed in the arguments
- post(String, Map) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.guts.ClientHttpRequest
Posts the requests to the server, with all the cookies and parameters that were added before (if any), and with cookies and parameters that are passed in the arguments
- post(String[], Object[]) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.guts.ClientHttpRequest
Posts the requests to the server, with all the cookies and parameters that were added before (if any), and with cookies and parameters that are passed in the arguments
- post(URL, Map) - Static method in class winterwell.jtwitter.guts.ClientHttpRequest
Posts a new request to specified URL, with parameters that are passed in the argument
- post(URL, Object[]) - Static method in class winterwell.jtwitter.guts.ClientHttpRequest
Posts a new request to specified URL, with parameters that are passed in the argument
- post(URL, Map, Map) - Static method in class winterwell.jtwitter.guts.ClientHttpRequest
Posts a new request to specified URL, with cookies and parameters that are passed in the argument
- post(URL, String[], Object[]) - Static method in class winterwell.jtwitter.guts.ClientHttpRequest
Posts a new request to specified URL, with cookies and parameters that are passed in the argument
- post(String, Map<String, String>, boolean) - Method in interface winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter.IHttpClient
Send an HTTP POST request and return the response body.
- post(String, Map<String, String>, boolean) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.URLConnectionHttpClient
- post2_connect(String, Map<String, String>) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.OAuthSignpostClient
- post2_connect(String, JSONObject) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.OAuthSignpostClient
- post2_connect(String, Map<String, String>) - Method in interface winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter.IHttpClient
Lower-level POST method.
- post2_connect(String, JSONObject) - Method in interface winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter.IHttpClient
Lower-level POST method - stringifies JSON body instead of encoding vars
- post2_connect(String, String) - Method in interface winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter.IHttpClient
Lower-level POST method - takes raw string for body
- post2_connect(String, Map<String, String>) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.URLConnectionHttpClient
- post2_connect(String, JSONObject) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.URLConnectionHttpClient
- post2_connect(String, String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.URLConnectionHttpClient
- post2_getPayload(Map<String, String>) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.URLConnectionHttpClient
- postJSON(String, JSONObject, boolean) - Method in interface winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter.IHttpClient
- postJSON(String, JSONObject, boolean) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.URLConnectionHttpClient
- postMultipartForm(String, Map<String, ?>) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.OAuthSignpostClient
- PreEmptiveRateLimit(String) - Constructor for exception winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterException.PreEmptiveRateLimit
- prefer(GeoCodeQuery, List<? extends IPlace>, String, double) - Static method in class winterwell.jtwitter.InternalUtils
Utility method for IGeoCode
- process(List<Status>) - Method in interface winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter.ICallback
- processEvent(TwitterEvent) - Method in interface winterwell.jtwitter.AStream.IListen
- processHeaders(HttpURLConnection, String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.URLConnectionHttpClient
- processSystemEvent(Object[]) - Method in interface winterwell.jtwitter.AStream.IListen
- processTweet(Twitter.ITweet) - Method in interface winterwell.jtwitter.AStream.IListen
- profileBackgroundColor - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.User
- profileBackgroundImageUrl - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.User
- profileBackgroundTile - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.User
- profileImageUrl - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.User
The url for the user's Twitter profile picture.
- profileImageUrlHttps - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.User
- profileLinkColor - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.User
- profileSidebarBorderColor - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.User
- profileSidebarFillColor - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.User
- profileTextColor - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.User
- protectedUser - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.User
true if this user keeps their updates private
- pScriptOrStyle - Static variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.InternalUtils
Used in strip tags to get rid of scripts and css style blocks altogether.
- screenName - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.ecosystem.TwitterCounterStats
- screenName - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.User
The login name, e.g.
- search(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
Perform a search of Twitter.
- search(String, Twitter.ICallback, int) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
Perform a search of Twitter.
- Search(Long, Date, String) - Constructor for class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Account.Search
- SEARCH_MIXED - Static variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
- SEARCH_POPULAR - Static variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
- SEARCH_RECENT - Static variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
return the most recent results in the response
- searchUsers(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
- searchUsers(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Users
Warning: there is a bug within twitter.com which means that
location-based searches are treated as OR.
- searchUsers(String, int) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Users
- sendMessage(String, String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
Sends a new direct message (DM) to the specified user from the
authenticating user.
- setAccuracy(double) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Geo
- setAdditionalInfo(String) - Method in exception winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterException
- setAllReplies(boolean) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.UserStream
- setAPIRootUrl(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
Set this to access sites other than Twitter that support the Twitter API.
- setAuthentication(URLConnection) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.BearerAuthHttpClient
Set a header for basic authentication login.
- setAuthentication(URLConnection) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.OAuthSignpostClient
- setAuthentication(URLConnection) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.URLConnectionHttpClient
Set a header for basic authentication login.
- setAuthorizationCode(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.OAuthSignpostClient
Set the authorisation code (aka the verifier).
- setAuthorizationCode(String, String, String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.OAuthSignpostClient
Set the authorisation code (aka the verifier).
- setAutoPopulateReplyMetadata(Boolean) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
Compatibility setting: if your app can't generate new-style
"previously tagged-in users are implicitly included in replies"
tweets, turn this off to require users be explicitly tagged in every time.
- setAutoReconnect(boolean) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.AStream
- setBearerToken(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.BearerAuthHttpClient
- setCookie(String, String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.guts.ClientHttpRequest
Adds a cookie to the requst
- setCookies(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.guts.ClientHttpRequest
Adds a cookie to the requst
- setCookies(Map) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.guts.ClientHttpRequest
Adds cookies to the request
- setCookies(String[]) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.guts.ClientHttpRequest
Adds cookies to the request
- setCount(Integer) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
*Some* methods - the timeline ones for example - allow a count of
number-of-tweets to return.
- setCursor(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.ListWithCursor
For internal use really.
- setCursor(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Users
- setDescription(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterList
- setExtendedMode(Boolean) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
Compatibility setting: if your app can't work with new-style
"140 characters + attachment" tweets, turn this off to only
receive truncated results.
- setFavorite(Status, boolean) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
- setFlickrProvider() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.OAuthSignpostClient
- setFollowUsers(List<Long>) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterStream
- setFoursquareProvider() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.OAuthSignpostClient
- setGzip(boolean) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.URLConnectionHttpClient
Set whether or not to request gzipped responses.
- setHtmlImpliesError(boolean) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.URLConnectionHttpClient
- setIncludeRTs(boolean) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
true by default.
- setIncludeTweetEntities(boolean) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
Note: does NOT work for search() methods (not supported by Twitter).
- setLanguage(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
Set a language filter for search results.
- setLinkedInProvider() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.OAuthSignpostClient
Replace the default Twitter urls with the LinkedIn urls.
- setListenersOnly(boolean) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterStream
default: false
If true, json is only sent to listeners, and polling based access
will return no results.
- setLocation(List<double[]>) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterStream
- setMaxResults(int) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
- setMinRateLimit(int) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.URLConnectionHttpClient
Use this to protect your Twitter API rate-limit.
- setMyLocation(double[]) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
Set the location for your tweets.
Warning: geo-tagging parameters are ignored if geo_enabled for the user
is false (this is the default setting for all users unless the user has
enabled geolocation in their settings)!
- setMyPlace(Long) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
If set, this will place-id be sent with status-updates to geo-tag your tweets.
- setName(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.OAuthSignpostClient
- setNotifications(String, Boolean, Boolean) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Users
- setParameter(String, String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.guts.ClientHttpRequest
Adds a string parameter to the request
- setParameter(String, String, InputStream) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.guts.ClientHttpRequest
Adds a file parameter to the request
- setParameter(String, File) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.guts.ClientHttpRequest
Adds a file parameter to the request
- setParameter(Object, Object) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.guts.ClientHttpRequest
Adds a parameter to the request; if the parameter is a File, the file is uploaded, otherwise the string value of the parameter is passed in the request
- setParameters(Map) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.guts.ClientHttpRequest
Adds parameters to the request
- setParameters(Object...) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.guts.ClientHttpRequest
Adds parameters to the request
- setPeople(JSONObject) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Message
Set up sender/recipient full objects
- setPeople(User, User) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Message
Set up sender/recipient full objects
- setPreviousCount(int) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.AStream
- setPrivate(boolean) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterList
- setProfile(String, String, String, String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Account
Update profile.
- setProfileBanner(File) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Account
See https://dev.twitter.com/rest/reference/post/account/update_profile_banner
NB: The API supports cropping, but we have not implemented this yet.
- setProfileColors(Map<String, String>) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Account
Set the authenticating user's colors.
- setProfileDescription(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Account
- setProfileImage(File) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Account
See https://dev.twitter.com/rest/reference/post/account/update_profile_image.
- setProfileLink(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Account
- setProfileLocation(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Account
- setProvider(AbstractOAuthProvider) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.OAuthSignpostClient
Set to Twitter settings by default.
- setRetryOnError(boolean) - Method in interface winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter.IHttpClient
- setRetryOnError(boolean) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.URLConnectionHttpClient
False by default.
- setSearchLocation(double, double, String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
to tweets by users located within a
given radius of the given latitude/longitude.
- setSearchLocation(IPlace) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
- setSearchResultType(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
- setSinceDate(Date) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
- setSinceId(Number) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
Narrows the returned results to just those statuses created after the
specified status id.
- setSource(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
Set the source application.
- setStatus(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
Sets the authenticating user's status.
- setTimeout(int) - Method in interface winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter.IHttpClient
Set the timeout for a single get/post request.
- setTimeout(int) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.URLConnectionHttpClient
- setTrackAPIUsage(boolean) - Static method in class winterwell.jtwitter.InternalUtils
- setTrackAPIUsage(boolean) - Static method in class winterwell.jtwitter.RateLimit
Note: this is a global JVM wide setting, intended for debugging.
- setTrackKeywords(List<String>) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterStream
See https://dev.twitter.com/docs/streaming-api/methods#track
- setUntilDate(Date) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
- setUntilId(Number) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
If set, return results older than this.
- setupTwitlonger(String, String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
- setWithFollowings(boolean) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.UserStream
- show(Number) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
- show(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
- show(Collection<String>) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Users
Lookup user info.
- show(Number) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Users
Returns information of a given user, specified by user-id.
- show(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Users
Returns information of a given user, specified by screen name.
- showById(Collection<? extends Number>) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Users
Lookup user info.
- signInUrl() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.OAuthSignpostClient
- sinceDMId - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.AStream.Outage
- sinceId - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.AStream.Outage
The id received just before the outage.
- sinceTime - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.AStream.Outage
- size() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterList
- sleep(long) - Static method in class winterwell.jtwitter.InternalUtils
- slug - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.ecosystem.PeerIndexProfile
- source - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.Status
- source - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterEvent
The user who initiated the event
- splitMessage(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
- start - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter.TweetEntity
start of the entity in the contents String, inclusive
- Status - Class in winterwell.jtwitter
A Twitter status post.
- Status(JSONObject, User) - Constructor for class winterwell.jtwitter.Status
- Status(User, String, Number, Date) - Constructor for class winterwell.jtwitter.Status
- status - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.User
The user's current status - *if* returned by Twitter.
- statusesCount - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.User
- stopFollowing(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
- stopFollowing(User) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
- stopFollowing(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Users
Destroy: Discontinues friendship with the user specified in the ID
parameter as the authenticating user.
- stopFollowing(User) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Users
- str(Object[]) - Static method in class winterwell.jtwitter.InternalUtils
- str(Object) - Static method in class winterwell.jtwitter.InternalUtils
Created to handle odd failed toString() for Exception: "[Ljava.lang.StackTraceElement;@6553bf22"
Seen Dec 2014
- stripTags(String) - Static method in class winterwell.jtwitter.InternalUtils
Remove xml and html tags, e.g.
- stripUrls(String) - Static method in class winterwell.jtwitter.InternalUtils
- subscribeAccountActivity(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
Start sending activity updates for the authorised account to the Webhooks URLs registered to the specified environment.
- Subscription(JSONObject) - Constructor for class winterwell.jtwitter.Webhooks.Subscription
- SubscriptionList(JSONObject) - Constructor for class winterwell.jtwitter.Webhooks.SubscriptionList
- subscriptions - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.Webhooks.SubscriptionList
- subscriptions_count - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.Webhooks.SubscriptionsCount
- SubscriptionsCount(JSONObject) - Constructor for class winterwell.jtwitter.Webhooks.SubscriptionsCount
- suspendedCaller - Variable in exception winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterException.SuspendedUser
- SuspendedProfile(String) - Constructor for exception winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterException.SuspendedProfile
- SuspendedUser(String) - Constructor for exception winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterException.SuspendedUser
- TAG_REGEX - Static variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.InternalUtils
- target - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterEvent
The user who was affected, or who owns the affected object.
- targetUser - Variable in exception winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterException.Blocked
- text - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.Message
- text - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.Status
The actual status text.
- ThirdParty - Class in winterwell.jtwitter.ecosystem
Status: experimental! Access to 3rd party services:
- Infochimp Trust Rank scores
- Twitlonger: Actually, this is done via Twitter#updateLongStatus(String, long)
Note: These services typically require their own api-keys and may have there
own terms and conditions of use.
- ThirdParty() - Constructor for class winterwell.jtwitter.ecosystem.ThirdParty
- ThirdParty(Twitter.IHttpClient) - Constructor for class winterwell.jtwitter.ecosystem.ThirdParty
- Timeout(String) - Constructor for exception winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterException.Timeout
- timeout - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.URLConnectionHttpClient
- timezone - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.User
- timezoneOffSet - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.User
Number of seconds between a user's registered time zone and Greenwich
Mean Time (GMT) - aka Coordinated Universal Time or UTC.
- title - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.ecosystem.Topsy.UrlInfo
- toBigInteger(Number) - Static method in class winterwell.jtwitter.InternalUtils
- toCanonical(String) - Static method in class winterwell.jtwitter.InternalUtils
- TooManyLogins(String) - Constructor for exception winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterException.TooManyLogins
- topics - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.ecosystem.PeerIndexProfile
- Topsy - Class in winterwell.jtwitter.ecosystem
Use the Topsy Twitter analytics services.
- Topsy() - Constructor for class winterwell.jtwitter.ecosystem.Topsy
Use Topsy without an API-key - rate-limited to 3,000 per day.
- Topsy(String) - Constructor for class winterwell.jtwitter.ecosystem.Topsy
- Topsy.UrlInfo - Class in winterwell.jtwitter.ecosystem
- toString() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.AStream.Outage
- toString() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.ecosystem.PeerIndexProfile
- toString() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.ecosystem.Topsy.UrlInfo
- toString() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.ecosystem.TwitterCounterStats.DateValue
- toString() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.ecosystem.TwitterCounterStats
- toString(Throwable, boolean) - Static method in class winterwell.jtwitter.InternalUtils
Copied from Printer in utils
- toString() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Message
- toString() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Place
- toString() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.RateLimit
- toString() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Status
- toString() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
- toString() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter.TweetEntity
The slice of text in the tweet.
- toString() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Account
- toString() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterEvent
- toString() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterList
- toString() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterStream
- toString() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.URLConnectionHttpClient
- toString() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.User
Returns the User's screenName (i.e.
- toString() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.UserStream
- trimPunctuation(String) - Static method in class winterwell.jtwitter.InternalUtils
Trim out whitespace and punctuation from the beginning and end of
the string.
- tweet_create_events - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.Webhooks.WebhookEvent
- tweet_delete_events - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.Webhooks.WebhookEvent
- TwitLonger - Class in winterwell.jtwitter.ecosystem
- TwitLonger() - Constructor for class winterwell.jtwitter.ecosystem.TwitLonger
Read only access for lengthening tweets
- TwitLonger(Twitter, String, String) - Constructor for class winterwell.jtwitter.ecosystem.TwitLonger
Read/write access
- TwitLongerException(String, String) - Constructor for exception winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterException.TwitLongerException
- Twitter - Class in winterwell.jtwitter
Java wrapper for the Twitter API version
- Twitter() - Constructor for class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
- Twitter(String, Twitter.IHttpClient) - Constructor for class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
Java wrapper for the Twitter API.
- Twitter(String, String) - Constructor for class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
- Twitter(Twitter) - Constructor for class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
Copy constructor.
- Twitter.ICallback - Interface in winterwell.jtwitter
Use to register per-page callbacks for long-running searches.
- Twitter.IHttpClient - Interface in winterwell.jtwitter
Interface for an http client - e.g.
- Twitter.ITweet - Interface in winterwell.jtwitter
This gives common access to features that are common to both
s and
- Twitter.KEntityType - Enum in winterwell.jtwitter
- Twitter.KRequestType - Enum in winterwell.jtwitter
- Twitter.TweetEntity - Class in winterwell.jtwitter
A special slice of text within a tweet.
- Twitter_Account - Class in winterwell.jtwitter
Access the account methods: e.g.
- Twitter_Account(Twitter) - Constructor for class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Account
- Twitter_Account.KAccessLevel - Enum in winterwell.jtwitter
The access level is set for the application as a whole!
If you want different levels, make several applications.
- Twitter_Account.Search - Class in winterwell.jtwitter
- Twitter_Analytics - Class in winterwell.jtwitter
Example Usage:
- Twitter_Geo - Class in winterwell.jtwitter
Twitter's geolocation support.
- Twitter_Users - Class in winterwell.jtwitter
API calls relating to users and relationships (the social network).
- TwitterCounter - Class in winterwell.jtwitter.ecosystem
Client for the twittercounter.com service
- TwitterCounter(String) - Constructor for class winterwell.jtwitter.ecosystem.TwitterCounter
- TwitterCounterStats - Class in winterwell.jtwitter.ecosystem
- TwitterCounterStats.DateValue - Class in winterwell.jtwitter.ecosystem
- TwitterEvent - Class in winterwell.jtwitter
User events, like following someone or being added to a list.
- TwitterEvent(JSONObject, Twitter) - Constructor for class winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterEvent
- TwitterEvent.Type - Interface in winterwell.jtwitter
- TwitterException - Exception in winterwell.jtwitter
A runtime exception for when Twitter requests don't work.
- TwitterException(String) - Constructor for exception winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterException
- TwitterException(String, String) - Constructor for exception winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterException
- TwitterException.AccessLevel - Exception in winterwell.jtwitter
Subclass of 403 thrown when you breach the access level of the app /
- TwitterException.AgeScreen - Exception in winterwell.jtwitter
For when Twitter sends a code 250 "this account is age-locked and the user hasn't given their age" response.
- TwitterException.BadParameter - Exception in winterwell.jtwitter
Exception thrown when Twitter doesn't like a parameter.
- TwitterException.Blocked - Exception in winterwell.jtwitter
Exception thrown when trying to follow an account that has blocked you.
- TwitterException.E401 - Exception in winterwell.jtwitter
An unauthorised exception.
- TwitterException.E403 - Exception in winterwell.jtwitter
A Forbidden exception.
- TwitterException.E404 - Exception in winterwell.jtwitter
Indicates a 404: resource does not exist error from Twitter.
- TwitterException.E406 - Exception in winterwell.jtwitter
Not Acceptable.
- TwitterException.E40X - Exception in winterwell.jtwitter
A user-error.
- TwitterException.E413 - Exception in winterwell.jtwitter
Too Long.
- TwitterException.E416 - Exception in winterwell.jtwitter
Range Unacceptable.
- TwitterException.E50X - Exception in winterwell.jtwitter
A code 50X error (e.g.
- TwitterException.FollowerLimit - Exception in winterwell.jtwitter
Subclass of 403 thrown when you follow too many people.
- TwitterException.IO - Exception in winterwell.jtwitter
An IO exception, eg.
- TwitterException.MissingUser - Exception in winterwell.jtwitter
This might be a suspended account, a deleted account, or a renamed account.
- TwitterException.Parsing - Exception in winterwell.jtwitter
Problems reading the JSON returned by Twitter.
- TwitterException.PreEmptiveRateLimit - Exception in winterwell.jtwitter
A rate limit error (i.e.
- TwitterException.RateLimit - Exception in winterwell.jtwitter
Indicates a rate limit error (i.e.
- TwitterException.Repetition - Exception in winterwell.jtwitter
Subclass of 403 thrown when you try to do something twice, like post the
same status.
- TwitterException.SuspendedProfile - Exception in winterwell.jtwitter
Exception thrown when trying to USE a suspended account.
- TwitterException.SuspendedUser - Exception in winterwell.jtwitter
Exception thrown when trying to QUERY a suspended account (i.e.
- TwitterException.Timeout - Exception in winterwell.jtwitter
A timeout exception - probably caused by Twitter being overloaded.
- TwitterException.TooManyLogins - Exception in winterwell.jtwitter
A code 420 error indicates that the account has been logging in too
- TwitterException.TooRecent - Exception in winterwell.jtwitter
Thrown if you poll too frequently.
- TwitterException.TooSpammy - Exception in winterwell.jtwitter
For when Twitter sends a code 226 "this looks like auto junk" response.
- TwitterException.TwitLongerException - Exception in winterwell.jtwitter
Exception thrown if something goes wrong with twilonger.com integration
for long tweets.
- TwitterException.Unexplained - Exception in winterwell.jtwitter
Something has gone wrong.
- TwitterException.UpdateToOAuth - Exception in winterwell.jtwitter
Legacy exception thrown when trying to use basic auth instead of oauth.
- TwitterException.UploadTooBig - Exception in winterwell.jtwitter
A video upload was too big or too long.
- TwitterException.UserNotFound - Exception in winterwell.jtwitter
- TwitterList - Class in winterwell.jtwitter
A Twitter list, which uses lazy-fetching of its members.
- TwitterList(String, String, Twitter) - Constructor for class winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterList
- TwitterList(String, Twitter, boolean, String) - Constructor for class winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterList
CREATE a brand new Twitter list.
- TwitterList(Number, Twitter) - Constructor for class winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterList
- twitterScreenName - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.ecosystem.PeerIndexProfile
- TwitterStream - Class in winterwell.jtwitter
Connect to the streaming API.
- TwitterStream(Twitter) - Constructor for class winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterStream
- TwitterStream.KMethod - Enum in winterwell.jtwitter
- type - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter.TweetEntity
- type - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterEvent
What type of event this is.
- unblock(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Users
blocks/destroy: Un-blocks screenName for the authenticating user.
- Unexplained(String) - Constructor for exception winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterException.Unexplained
- UNFAVORITE - Static variable in interface winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterEvent.Type
- unregisterWebhook(BigInteger, String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
Unregister a Webhooks URL - updates for the specified environment will no longer be sent to it.
- unsubscribeAccountActivity(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
Stop sending activity updates for the authorised account to the Webhooks URLs registered to the specified environment.
- untilTime - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.AStream.Outage
The Java timecode when the stream went back online.
- updateConfiguration() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
Update info on Twitter's configuration -- such as shortened url lengths.
- updateLongStatus(String, Number) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.ecosystem.TwitLonger
Use twitlonger.com to post a lengthy tweet.
- updateLongStatus(String, Number) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
- updateRateLimits() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.URLConnectionHttpClient
Call Twitter to get the rate limit.
- updateStatus(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
Updates the authenticating user's status.
- updateStatus(String, Number) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
Compatibility wrapper for updateStatus(String, Number, List)
- updateStatus(String, Number, List<Number>) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
Updates the authenticating user's status and marks it as a reply to the
tweet with the given ID.
- updateStatusWithMedia(String, BigInteger, List<Number>, File) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
Updates the user's status with a single image.
- updateStatusWithMedia(String, BigInteger, File) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
Compatibility wrapper for {@link updateStatusWithMedia(String, BigInteger, List, File) {
- updateStatusWithMedia(String, BigInteger, List<Number>, List<File>) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
Updates the user's status with multiple images.
- updateStatusWithMedia(String, BigInteger, List<File>) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
Compatibility wrapper for updateStatusWithMedia(String, BigInteger, List, List
- updateStatusWithUploadedMedia(String, BigInteger, List<Number>, List<String>) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
Updates the user's status with one video, or multiple images.
- updateStatusWithUploadedMedia(String, BigInteger, List<String>) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
Compatibility wrapper for updateStatusWithUploadedMedia(String, BigInteger, List, List
- updateStatusWithVideo(String, File) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
- UpdateToOAuth() - Constructor for exception winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterException.UpdateToOAuth
- UploadTooBig(String) - Constructor for exception winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterException.UploadTooBig
- uploadVideo(File) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
See https://dev.twitter.com/rest/media/uploading-media#chunkedupload
- uploadVideo(File, String, boolean) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
See https://dev.twitter.com/rest/media/uploading-media#chunkedupload
- url - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.ecosystem.PeerIndexProfile
- url - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.ecosystem.Topsy.UrlInfo
- url - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.Webhooks.Webhook
- URLConnectionHttpClient - Class in winterwell.jtwitter
A simple http client that uses the built in URLConnection class.
- URLConnectionHttpClient() - Constructor for class winterwell.jtwitter.URLConnectionHttpClient
- URLConnectionHttpClient(String, String) - Constructor for class winterwell.jtwitter.URLConnectionHttpClient
- urlEncode(String) - Static method in class winterwell.jtwitter.InternalUtils
URL encode
- UrlInfo(JSONObject) - Constructor for class winterwell.jtwitter.ecosystem.Topsy.UrlInfo
- user - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.Status
Rarely null.
- User - Class in winterwell.jtwitter
A Twitter user.
- User(JSONObject, Status) - Constructor for class winterwell.jtwitter.User
Create a User from a json blob
- User(String) - Constructor for class winterwell.jtwitter.User
Create a dummy User object.
- user_event - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.Webhooks.WebhookEvent
- user_id - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.Webhooks.Subscription
- USER_UPDATE - Static variable in interface winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterEvent.Type
Indicates changes to the user's profile -- eg.
- userExists(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Users
Does a user with the specified name or id exist?
- UserNotFound(String) - Constructor for exception winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterException.UserNotFound
- users() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
User and social-network related API methods.
- users - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.Webhooks.WebhookEvent
- UserStream - Class in winterwell.jtwitter
See https://dev.twitter.com/streaming/reference/get/user
- UserStream(Twitter) - Constructor for class winterwell.jtwitter.UserStream